I took The Demoiselles' challenge of posting a picture of myself with no make-up on, to show the world that there IS real beauty underneath all that gunk we put on our faces.

I would have loved to take my "no make-up" picture in the morning right after waking up, but I'm usually screaming "Oh sh*t I'm late" and running around the house figuring out what I should be doing first. So, I decided to do it here in the office once my adrenaline has slowed down to a normal rate.

And...(I hope I won't regret this)...here's my no make-up picture:

Other than the very dark and puffy eye bags, I think it turned out ok. :) And thanks to my freckles, pimples aren't too noticeable when they pop out of my face on days I least expect them to. :p Perfect cover-up.

Help win the fight against this anti-progressive beauty standard by uploading your own makeup-less photos through your blogs/plurks/tweets. Of course, don't forget to send me links! :)

the fish is too tired to check for spelling or grammatical errors.