It can get very tiring to do church duties when no one supports you. When you're doing all the planning and no one asks what else you need for a certain activity. But I can't just bail out on them just like that.
Because I made a committment.
I just feel so underappreciated and "over-used" as a friend most of the time...
But when all the preparation is done, and they show up...I guess it's good that I still stand up and be pro-active in this org because if I won't then who will?
We had our staffers's evaluation last Friday.
I voted to start on time so we could get rid of the habit of always, always being late...
We had nothing to offer the staff but iced tea. Glad no one complained. They all seemed okay with it. Albeit it was hard to get back the attention of some who have chosen to chat away instead of participating, I'd say it was still a successful evaluation session.
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