1. Where are you blogging right now? At my work desk.

2. How many unpublished posts do you have in your ‘draft’ box? I don't have unpublished posts. They irritate me. I'm kind of obssessive compulsive that way...

3. Whose blog inspired you to start your own? I can't quite remember...probably a friend's blog.

4. When do you usually publish your posts? I don't have a specific time in blogging. I blog when I feel like it. :) Ok, maybe usually on a Monday(to rave about the weekend) or Friday (to rant about the weekdays). But that's not always the case. :)

5. In your guesstimation, how many blogs do you read? I dunno, about 20 or more?

6. How long have you been blogging for? Erm, since I was in college. :) I stopped for a while. :)

7. Why did you start blogging? I initially started to blog about my artworks but they weren't that good and I kept on getting weird hate messages at my shoutbox so I stopped for a while. And now, I'm back! :)

8. Why do you keep blogging? I can't keep random thoughts out of my mind. I always have to either write it down or tell someone. But since I don't hang out with my friends that much because of my schedule, the blog is here to serve that purpose. :)

9. If you could only recommend one blog to a friend, which one would it be? The picture-comic blog My Milktoof. The milk teef are just tooo cute!!!

10. If the internet was “turned off” for one month, what you you do with all the time you used to spend blogging? That's easy! I'd draw! Or sleep.....or eat.

Got this from The Ignorant Historian